Here is some recommended reading:


Caesar's Messiah Joseph Atwill
Creating Christ:
How Roman Emperors Invented Jesus
James Valliant
C.W. Fahy
James, the Brother of Jesus Robert Eisenman
Jesus Christ Sun of God David Fideler
Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind
Who Changed the Bible and Why
Bart Ehrman
The Bible Unearthed Israel Finkelstein/Niel Asher Silberman
The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception Michael Baigent / Richard Leigh
The Gnostic Gospels Elain Pagels
The Invention of the Jewish People Shlomo Sand
The Mystical Christ Manly Hall
The Wisdom of the Knowing Ones Manly Hall
Who Wrote the Bible Richard Elliot Friedman
Please note that while Caesar's Messiah and Creating Christ have similar sub-titles, they cover different material. Both books are "must reads". In the book The Wisdom of the Knowing Ones, Manly Hall unveils a disturbing view of the Genesis creation story and the Garden of Eden account that few have heard, as he paraphrases an account given in the book The Gnostics and their Remains by C.W. King. Click here to read this extract from Hall's book.


Black Genesis Robert Bauval
Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt Christopher Dunn
The Egypt Code Robert Bauval
The Giza Power Plant Christopher Dunn
The Orion Mystery Robert Bauval
The Tutankhamun Prophesies Maurice Cotterell


A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe Michael Schneider
Covert Persuasion Kevin Hogan
Excitotoxins Russel Blaylock
Future Science Maurice Cotterell
Lectures on Ancient Philosophy Manly Hall
Magic: A Treatise on Natural Occultism Manly Hall
Messages in Water Emoto
Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic William Walker Atkinson
On the Origins of the Alphabet:
New Evidence. (free from sino-platonic.org)
Brian Pellar
On the Origins of the Alphabet:
The Rapallo Alphazodiac and the birth of the sun as
the seed/word. (free from sino-platonic.org)
Brian Pellar
Self Unfoldment by Disciplines of Realization Manly Hall
Spiritual Centres in Man Manly Hall
Ten Lessons to Transform your Marriage John Gottman
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen Covey
The Adepts of the Esoteric and Classical Tradition.
Part 2: The mystics and mysteries of Alexandria
Manly Hall
The Holographic Universe Michael Talbot
The Mayan Prophesies Maurice Cotterell
The Pale Fox Germaine Deterlen
Marcel Griaule
The Secret Teachings of All Ages Manly Hall
The Surrendered Wife Laura Doyle
The Trivium:
The liberal arts of logic, grammar, and rhetoric.
Understanding the nature and function of language
Miriam Joseph
Uninformed Consent Thomas Levy
Water: Pure and Simple Paolo Consigli
What Ancient Wisdom Expects of it's Disciples Manly Hall

The best book I have ever read is: Self Unfoldment by Disciplines of Realization by Manly Hall. This book is about spiritual growth: how we can daily improve our character and integrity. Any questions or comments? Feel 3 to contact me:

ask (at) 333 (dot) africa